Friday, 12 October 2012

Branding and Corporate Image - Mini Brief

We were given our first live mini brief for this module; we were asked to design and create a logo for the 'Newcastle Music Hub'.

The Newcastle Music Hub is a brand new scheme to encourage musical talent within the local area; making sure that every child has access to high quality music education.

I decided to create two completely different logos on different ends of the spectrum. For my first logo, I played on the name of the company and explored the different avenues of the word hub. My initial ideas were to create a circular logo with a centre focus point but still keep an element of music. This is what I came up with:

I chose the bold, playful font to appeal to my target audience of children and chose a bright, happy colour. Instead of a block colour, I went for a gradient tone, light orange to dark orange, as I felt this added a depth to the logo.

For my second logo, I wanted to create something more crisp and contemporary. I decided to create something with lot's of straight lines and angles for a more modern take. This is my second logo design:
 I decided to keep the music note within the design so that my target audience would associate the logo visually with music and not just from the word 'music'. I chose the font Bebas Neue as I felt it back the clean, modern look I was aiming for. Whilst producing the logo, I played around with the tracking and kerning until each word was aligned within the box. 'Hub' was a difficult word to space out without it looking ridiculous, so I added the circles to break it down a little.

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